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Automatic Vacuum Packaging Machine

Automatic Vacuum Packaging Machine

As the use of prepared food increased, the need for packaging and long-term storage of products also increased. Our company continues its continuous development-oriented work to meet this need with automatic vacuum packaging machine. Today, factories produce more than a thousand food products daily. This, in turn, has increased their need for machines that work with minimal manpower and can be used quickly and practically. Not only fast packaging is enough, but also accurate and meticulous packaging of the product is necessary. If you are a meticulous manufacturer and value your consumer’s preferences, please contact us to order from our fully automatic vacuum packaging machine. Our machines are manufactured within the framework of quality standards and have warranty certificate.

Where Is The Automatic Vacuum Packaging Machine Used?

Today, businesses and institutions that can produce more than one production at the same time need large and automatic machines. Practical and easy to use, this machine is usually used in large production sites and factories. The reason for this is that it is large in size and constant use. Able to pack 720 per hour, this machine helps your factories to pack quickly and hygienic. Automatic vacuum packaging machine works with a suitable adjustment to what kind of food product needs to be packed in your factory according to the fully automatic feature it has.

What Is The Benefit Of Automatic Vacuum Packaging Machine?

This machine, which requires less manpower due to its automatic formation, is more hygienic because there is no contact during packaging. In addition, human-made packaging can cause a lot of waste. This percentage also allows you to save money with the use of less nylon than the fully automatic machines produced by our company. Automatic vacuum packaging machine will extend the shelf life of your food, make you and consumers comfortable inside. If you want to maintain the freshness of your food for a long time and ensure that it reaches more consumers in a robust and healthy way, you should include vacuum machines during packaging.

How Does The Automatic Vacuum Packaging Machine Work?

This machine, which does not require a complex process, can do the packaging part automatically. It is enough to put the plates in the machine and take them after packaging. According to the model and your needs, there are varieties that have one, two or three compartments, that is, can pack one, two or three plates at the same time. Plates placed on The Walking tape are taken to the packaging section when fully detected by the machine. Here, vacuuming and heat treatments are applied and the product is tightly packed. The process takes approximately 10 seconds and the machine can pack about 700 plates per hour. The packaged product continues to progress on the marching band and accumulates there. As you can see, it has a very simple and practical use. It is out of the question that you carry a heavy load or are subjected to complex operations. If you are also looking for a suitable packaging tool for your factory or production locations, the automatic vacuum packaging machine is exactly the product for you. Just contact us to place an order.